Autumn Term 2016
Our Y5 & Y6 Book Club had its first meeting on Thursday 15th September (2016).
The children have chosen ‘My Brother is a Superhero’ by David Solomons as their book for the first half of the autumn term (2016). This book won the 2016 Waterstone’s Children’s Book Prize.
The Y5 & Y6 Book Club meets between 12.00noon and 1.00pm every Thursday lunch time.
David Solomons kindly sent a message to the Book Club children. The children have glued his message to the inside of the front cover of their books. Here’s what he said:
Hello Malvern Primary School lunch-time book clubbers !
I hope you’re enjoying your lunch. What are you having ? It looks delicious. Thanks for choosing My Brother is a Sandwich. Superhero. (It’s all that talk of lunch.) Lots of novels for children are about the Chosen One, a boy or girl destined to save the world from some great evil. I thought it was about time for a book (actually a series of books) about the Not Chosen One. How would you feel if you missed out on your greatest wish, only for it to be granted to someone else ? That’s what Luke Parker has to come to terms with. Or not. I hope you enjoy the story and I leave you with one thought. Mr Kynaston seems to be a perfectly mild-mannered Assistant Head, but is he ? Let’s just say you never see him and Batman in the same classroom… David Solomons (19/9/16)
All say, ‘Hot chocolate !’ – Book Club children after reading the first chapter of their new book.