Malvern Primary School is a system built on people. As a school, we believe that systems built on people should put people first. Good staff wellbeing is essential for cultivating a healthy school, for retaining motivated and happy staff and for promoting pupil wellbeing and attainment.
At Malvern, we understand that wellbeing is about holistic health, including the physical and emotional. When we have good levels of wellbeing, we feel that life is in balance and we can generally cope well. We feel motivated and engaged, we’re resilient and able to deal effectively with daily troubles, as well as ’bounce back’ from life’s challenges.
We believe that there is no universal, one-size-fits all, solution to promoting the wellbeing of our colleagues. What promotes the wellbeing of one individual may be of detriment to another. Therefore, our school approach to wellbeing is as diverse as the workforce it serves. As a school, we prioritise the individual. We aim to ensure that colleagues are given the right emotional and practical support in a way that is purposeful for them as an individual.
While there are many approaches that Malvern Primary School employ to promote a culture and ethos that has wellbeing at its core, we remain mindful of the individual and are committed to ensuring that school respond dynamically to the changing needs of our workforce. In doing his, we remain true to our motto:
At Malvern Primary School, we encourage colleagues to stand as wellbeing advocates who meet as a Wellbeing Council every half term. This team made up of adults working in a diversity of roles within school. The team includes learning mentors, the school Business Manager, learning support assistants, teachers, senior leaders, welfare staff and the Headteacher. The council meet half termly, over breakfast, to reflect on current practices. In recent months, the team have disseminated a colleague wellbeing survey to inform future intent. As a result of this survey, recent activity includes:
You said…
Some colleagues would like to have the opportunity to socialise outside of the working day.
We did…
Our wellbeing advocates organise afternoon tea social events and also planned a fully funded Christmas party night
You said…
The staffroom did not provide a comfortable and relaxing space for colleagues to use during lunchtimes.
We did…
The staffroom was redesigned, in consultation with wellbeing advocates, to provide a comfortable space for use by all colleagues at school. This included the installation of a new kitchen and additional seating.
You said…
Colleagues would like the opportunity to take occasional leave during term time to support their own wellbeing.
We did…
We implemented a wellbeing policy that allows colleagues to take three wellbeing days annually with full pay. If desired, this can be increased by an additional five days unpaid if desired.
You said…
Colleagues would like the opportunity to take their PPA time at home if desired..
We did…
Colleagues now have the opportunity to take PPA at home for a full morning or afternoon session.
What next?
In coming months, our wellbeing advocates plan to design a menopause strategy.