Malvern Primary School is committed to ensuring the best possible education for all pupils regardless of ability, background, ethnicity, gender or disability. We continually monitor the progress of all pupils and take steps to intervene where there is evidence that individuals or groups are falling behind.
Our school Inclusion Team consists of the Special Educational Needs Coordinator, Miss Lois Murphy (SENDCO), Miss Stephanie Baker (Learning Mentor) and our Special Educational Needs Governor is Mrs Jessica Singleton. We liaise with parents and external agencies to provide additional support for children who require it. They can be contacted via the school phone number (0151 477 8230) or email (
In addition, we have two trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA) who provide emotional and social skills support to our children:
In accordance with the Special Educational Needs & Disability Code of Practice (2015) a downloadable copy of our School Information Report and SEND policy are available here:
At Malvern Primary School, we reject the notion of fixed ability and believe that every pupil has the potential to excel when supported by expert teaching and high expectations. Our mission is to create a learning environment where the curriculum is ambitious, inclusive and accessible to all pupils, particularly those identified as having Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
We embrace adaptive teaching as a cornerstone of our practice, recognising it as an approach that addresses the diverse needs of all learners through responsive, high-quality instruction. This means anticipating barriers, providing timely scaffolds and making in-the-moment adjustments to ensure all pupils can access and engage with challenging content without compromising on expectations. Our No Limits strategy details our approach to making learning accessible to all.
Further information about services available for children with SEND within Knowsley and Liverpool can be found within their Local Offer at:
Our bespoke and quality assured interventions are tailored to specifically meet your child’s need.
External professionals who work in our school
Speech and Language Therapist – Simon Rigert-Harnden
Educational Psychologist – Elle Hart
Autism Advisory Teacher – Steph Hull
School Nurse – Anne Lothian
Butterflies Counsellor – Jen Scott
Mental Health Support Worker – Lauren McGuiness
Early Years SENDCOs – Lisa Yates, Kirsty Steadman, Noelle Aspinall
Adaptive Teaching
At Malvern, we recognise that pupils learn at different rates and require different types and levels of support from their teachers in order to succeed. The rate and depth of support will vary depending on individual children’s needs.
We use a range of adaptive teaching methods to ensure pupils experience success. This is done through ongoing assessment, adapting questioning and vocabulary and thinking carefully how we capture learning, focusing on knowing more and remembering more. This was recognised as a strength at our most recent Challenge Partner review:
“Adaptive teaching techniques enable all pupils with SEND to fully engage with the learning intention, which sees them making progress in line with their peers. They make strong progress from their starting points.”
Challenge Partners Quality Assurance Review (November 2022)
Key Stage 2 SEND Progress Data 2023
The table below shows the level of progress last year’s Year Six children made from Year Two to Year Six compared to local and National.
Malvern Primary School |
Knowsley Local Authority |
National |
Reading |
6.5% |
1.3% |
-0.9% |
Writing |
2.6% |
-0.1% |
-2.0% |
Maths |
6.2% |
0.9% |
-1.2% |
Key Stage 2 SEND Progress Data 2022
The table below shows the level of progress last year’s Year Six children made from Year Two to Year Six compared to local and National.
Malvern Primary School |
Knowsley Local Authority |
National |
Reading |
7.4% |
0.1% |
– 1.8% |
Writing |
5.7% |
-0.5% |
-2.1% |
Maths |
5.8% |
0.1% |
-1.5% |
Communication Friendly Classrooms
Communication friendly environments enables pupils to develop their social, emotional and academic potential by reducing or removing barriers to communication. Malvern classrooms are spacious and well organised learning environments where children are encouraged to talk freely with minimal distractions. Visuals are used to support communication and all classrooms have a visual timetable and learning support aids on display.