The Sport Premium is a government funded support package targeting physical education and sport in primary schools. £450, 000, 000 is allocated to drive improvement over a four-year period, encompassing the previous two academic years. This funding is ring-fenced and is allocated directly to primary schools across England. Funding is allocated as a lump sum for each setting and a per-pupil top up mechanism. All schools with seventeen or more primary aged pupils (aged 5-11) receive a lump sum of £16,000 and an additional top-up premium of £10 per pupil.
At Malvern, our commitment is to use The Sport Premium to achieve a number of core ambitions. These include:
- Provide a systemically progressive physical education curriculum.
- Enhance pupil participation within and outside of the curriculum.
- Support and deliver continued professional development for all colleagues.
- Ensure that pupil attitudes to PE and sport are consistently positive.
- Extend and develop links with outside specialist sport providers (including sports not commonly accessed by our children).
- Provide every child with the opportunity to compete and represent Malvern in an interschool and intra school competition.
- Identify strengths and areas of development within school and use this information as the foundations of future action planning.
- Provide a wider range of sports to encourage disengaged and / or disadvantaged pupils to participate.
- Share best practices and current government / sporting organisation initiatives.
- Support links with other subjects to contribute to pupils’ overall achievement, encompassing spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding.
Training and Development
We understand that CPD and increased capacity will lead to improvement in the implementation of physical education and sport at primary school. As such, a proportion of our Sports Premium is used to fund a specialist, external provider to coach staff with the teaching of Outdoor Adventurous Activities. This has enabled teaching staff to develop their own knowledge and teaching in this curriculum area, delivering lessons under the guidance of experienced sports coaches.
Developing Play Time Games
At Malvern, every child has the opportunity to partake in physical activity throughout their break and lunchtimes. Sports Premium has allowed school to purchase a range of equipment to broaden the opportunities children are provided. Through appropriate CPD, play facilitators are coached to support children to thrive and enjoy unstructured sporting opportunities, developing sportsmanship and skills. The purchase of this equipment has seen a significant increase in children partaking in competitive sports throughout break and lunchtimes. A recently installed ‘Daily Mile’ track has also encouraged pupils and colleagues to take part in daily cardiovascular exercise.
Enhancing Curriculum
To further resource physical education and sport in school, Sports Premium has enabled us to purchase a systemically progressive physical education curriculum matched explicitly to the National Curriculum Programmes of Study. This additional provision will ensure that improvement established through The Sport Premium is sustainable over time by improving quality first teaching in physical education.
Funding membership of Knowsley Sports Partnership enables pupils at Malvern to participate in a wide range of competitive sport. The Sports Partnership has a responsibility to create demand for all young people to continue playing sport in a community environment beyond school. Membership with the Sports Partnership also offers Malvern:
opportunity to partake in inter school and borough wide competitions
opportunity to link into county, regional and national competitions
continuous professional development for staff
curriculum support in individual areas of PR such as gym and dance
Lord Derby Award
At Malvern, we pride ourselves in providing unique opportunities for our children. Therefore, we have allocated a proportion of our funding for pupils to participate in The Lord Derby Award. This accreditation enables pupils to develop their unique talents, skills and character attributes through a range of outdoor activities. Children demonstrate their resilience, use their critical thinking skills and take on challenge through new experiences such as climbing, abseiling, orienteering and raft building.
Malvern Karate Club
Physical activity is vital in children’s all-round development, enabling them to pursue happy, healthy and active lives. Therefore, funding has allowed us to develop links with Malvern Karate Club. This enables every child who starts at Malvern in Reception, the opportunity to partake in a year of structured karate tuition. Karate supports the development of children’s gross motor skills by building core muscle and arm strength. Hand-eye co-ordination is another skill developed through karate which is a vital skill in the development of transcription in young children.