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At Malvern, our pupils learn to read and write effectively and quickly using the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme.

Read Write Inc. Phonics

The programme is for:

Pupils in Year R to Year 2 who are learning to read and write and any pupils in Years 2, 3 and 4 who need to catch up rapidly.

In Read Write Inc. Phonics pupils:

  • Decode letter-sound correspondences quickly and effortlessly, using their phonic knowledge and skills
  • Read common exception words on sight
  • Read aloud with fluency and expression
  • Spell quickly and easily by segmenting the sounds in words

What is Read, Write, Inc. (RWI) Phonics?

How to Say the Sounds

Children make the best progress when their learning is supported at home. However, it is also important that children say the phonic sounds correctly. To help parents and carers, this short video demonstrates how to say each sound. 

Parent Workshops

Read, Write, Inc.- Get Reading in Reception! 

Our second reception Read Write Inc. (RWI) workshop took place on Thursday, 30th January, and was a fantastic experience for both parents and children. Families thoroughly enjoyed participating together in daily Read Write Inc. lessons, creating a wonderful opportunity for shared learning.

The children confidently demonstrated how they “Fred Talk” to read words, while parents picked up valuable tips to support reading at home. The sessions were delivered by the children’s own reading teachers, ensuring personalised guidance tailored to each child’s needs.

We are incredibly grateful for the support from our families—it was truly heartwarming to see everyone so engaged. What a delightful morning it was!

Parent Workshops

Our Year 1 workshop took place on 23rd September 2024.

Read Write Inc. Policy

Set 1 Practice Sheets

Set 2 Practice Sheets

Set 3 Practice Sheets

Read Write Inc. Resources

Useful Websites for Parents

Phonics Games and Books

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