At Malvern, we understand the power that reading has to broaden horizons and create curious and ambitious minds. As such, reading permeates all aspects of our curriculum and is taught discretely within KS1 using the RWI phonics program. We maintain complete fidelity to this program and aim to ensure learners have the necessary skills to read for pleasure as quickly as practicable. We support our pupils in making decisions about their own reading using our well-stocked libraries and close relationships with our local library service. Reading Vipers are used to question learners and deepen understanding using the content domains of the programme of study.
- Vocabulary
- Inference
- Prediction
- Explanation
- Retrieval
- Summary/Sequencing
We empower our young people to write for a purpose utilising our carefully structured progression maps. Writing opportunities provide ample opportunity for learners to showcase their ever-growing skills and knowledge. Spelling, punctuation and grammar is taught discretely and opportunities to revisit and consolidate learning are planned into the teaching sequence.