Martin Mere
To enhance learning throughout ‘Where My Wellies Take Me’, Year 4 children visited local wetlands, Martin Mere. On their visit, the children took part in pond dipping in order to identify creatures that may live in that habitat. Year 4 then compared their findings with those from our own school pond. Year 4 children then participated in a minibeast safari to identify species of animals that can be found in woodlands.
Throughout the door, children took the opportunity photograph human and physical features within the nature reserve to compare these with features found in our local area. Back at school, children were then able to develop their mapping skills to draw their own maps based on their images. This exciting day was included a play on the park along with a walk through the woodlands to enjoy a picnic together as part of the Year 4 curriculum passport.
Viking Invasion
During the spring term, Year 4 travelled back in time to the period in history when the Vikings and Anglo Saxons conquered Britain! To enhance their learning, we were joined in school by another wonderful visit from ‘History Into Schools’.
Throughout the day, the Year 4 children were provided the opportunity to handle artefacts, dress like a Viking along with participating in a Viking and Anglo Saxon invasion. The children were surprised by how heavy the armour was worn by soldiers, especially swords and shields. A wonderful opportunity for children to broaden their knowledge!
Year four – Surprising sounds
Children identified how sounds are made. They linked the sounds with vibrations. Then they experimented with how vibrations translate into sound in our ears. The children found patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it. Children discovered patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it. Children recognised that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increase.
Buddhism Workshop
Year 4 had a fantastic Buddhism experience day, where they got to speak to someone who had lived as a Buddhist monk! They dressed up as characters from the Buddha’s life, and acted out his sacred story from Prince to holy man.
The children were invited to have Buddhist symbols painted on their faces, and got to see and handle various Buddhist artefacts from a real Vihara.
Nature Scavenger Hunt
With magnifying glasses at the ready, Year 4 embarked on a journey through the woods as they broadened their knowledge of wildlife. Children were able to search for minibeasts, identifying and classifying creatures found; they were fascinated with the creepy crawlies which could be found hidden in dark damp areas of the woods! Children found that some insects were so small they had to get up really close with their magnifying glass to help. Additionally, children were able to look closely at the vegetation that grew, naming plants and trees they could find growing.
A Roman Invasion
To conclude their learning on the Romans, Year 4 participated in a fantastic visit from ‘History Into Schools’. The children were able to handle Roman artefacts in the morning and have a go at writing with Roman writing equipment. After break, the children learned how to play a Roman game with counters called ‘Rota’ which they all enjoyed and quickly became very competitive!
In the afternoon, the children met a soldier from the 2nd legion of Augustus who spoke to them about the Roman army. Several children then got to try on some Roman army uniform before experimenting with Roman battle techniques using shields and javelins. The day ended with a number of gladiator battles where children could demonstrate their excellent swordsmanship and shield work.