‘The play’s the thing wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the king.’
National Theatre actor Jonny Ball spent the day with our Y5 children on Monday 30th January 2023. Jonny led workshops that focused on the plot and characters of William Shakespeare’s famous tragedy: Hamlet. Children explored the characters’ motives, the dramatic arc of the play and Shakespeare’s beautiful language.
On Wednesday 8th February, the National Theatre came to Malvern! A company of eight actors and a stage management team arrived at school bright and early. Scenery was erected, props were organised, costumes made ready, instruments were unboxed and sound systems plugged in. By the time the hall clock struck ten, the audience was seated…….and it was time for action. The National Theatre’s adaptation of Hamlet – for primary school children – was spectacular! Given a modern twist, but including lots of inspiring Shakespearean language, the play thrilled and amused in equal measure. Packed with stirring sound effects, ghostly apparitions and a dramatic sword fight, the cast had audience members on the edges of their seats from start to finish.
As a host school for this tour of Hamlet, we were delighted to be joined by children and staff from Evelyn Community Primary School, Plantation Primary School and colleagues from Liverpool Hope University and Shakespeare North Playhouse.