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Diversity Data

Diversity Indicators Form

Form completed 5
Opted out 5
Male 2
Female 3
Age 18-40 3
Age 41-60 2
Disability- None 5
Sexual orientation Straight/Hetrosexual 5
Ethnicity White-British 4
Ethnicity White-Black African 1
Religion- Christian 4
Religion- None 1
How close live to school-Under 1 mile 1
How close live to school-1-5 miles 2
How close live to school-6-15 miles 2
Parent of child of school age 5
School Govs attended- State run 4
School Govs attended- Outside UK 1
Were you Looked after as a child- No 5
Education after leaving school- University 4
Education after leaving school- Apprentice 1
Eligible for FSM during education- Yes 2
Eligible for FSM during education- No 3

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