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Governing Board Members

Mrs Emma Tagoe
Term of office – 30.9.21 to 29.9.25

My current role as a senior manager in a post 16 education provider gives me the skills and knowledge to support and benefit our school.  I have two children at Malvern who enjoy the school and I would like the opportunity to support and improve their future experiences and those of the other children at the school.

I am a designated safeguarding officer and am passionate about children being given the best support to improve their experience in education.  I have participated in four Ofsted inspections and understand their requirements.

In my current role I am involved in setting quality improvement plans to improve teaching and learning and the students experiences in education.  My 12 years experience of managing a post 16 education provider gives me the skills needed to confidently and competently participate in the governance of our school.

Mr Gavin Butterworth 
Term of office – 01.05.19 – 30.04.27

I am a former pupil of Malvern and a parent with two children in the school. I am therefore well placed to understand the needs of the children, parents and local community.

I take the kids to school almost every day and this allows me to observe how the school is run from a parent’s perspective.

As a local employer and business owner, I have extensive experience in the areas of; business management, HR, IT, administration and finance. As a chartered accountant, part of my role is to advise businesses on processes and financial efficiencies. All of these transferable skills can be used to ensure that the governing board oversee the effective running of our school.

I am extremely passionate about education and believe that there is absolutely no reason whatsoever why Malvern cannot achieve the highest possible standards. My key objective as Chair of Governors is to drive continuous improvement across all areas of school.

Mr Matthew Wilson 
Term of office – 23.2.21 to 22.2.25

As a parent of two children at Malvern,  I  value the opportunity to help strengthen the school’s drive to continue to deliver the good quality of education witnessed in the last Ofsted visit.

As a primary school teacher myself I have a strong understanding of the needs of all involved in the school community starting first and foremost with the children. I am well placed to support the school Governing body in being accountable for performance both financial and educational, and in meeting the Safeguarding, social and cultural development needs of pupils.  I welcome the opportunity to help support the school’s current focus on Reading through the Reading Quality Mark and in ensuring that progress in Maths and Writing continues to strengthen.

With a background in business I also understand the importance of budgetary accountability and investment in facilities management. I am particularly keen to help the school continue to develop its links with the community.  As I am now a supply teacher I have the flexibility to spend time in school supporting with events and spending time getting to know the children.

Mrs Zoe Woodward 
Term of office – 7.11.22 to 6.11.26

I have worked at Malvern for 22 years and have worked in Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2 as well as Early Years. I am currently the RE subject champion and staff governor.  I love being a teacher and want the very best for the children in our care. In Early Years, I am in a unique position to help to give our children a fun-filled and happy start to their Malvern journey, and give them lots of opportunities to help them reach their full potential. Outside of school, I am a mum to twin boys – one is about to start his PhD, and the other is completing his degree whilst working. I love exploring and seeing new places either through cruising or in our camper van.

Jessica Singleton 
Term of office – 25.11.21 to 24.11.25

As a mum of 3, 2 of which attend Malvern, I love the way the community pulls together to support each other.

During the pandemic has made me appreciate just how important the Malvern community are there for each other, school, parents/carers and the virtual meetings/WhatsApp’s etc we have found to communicate and check in on each other, for me has been invaluable.  My kids, like yours mean everything to me and to see them thrive at school every day full of joy, because they have the best time.  

In my current role as SEND Caseworker for a local authority, I am responsible to support families and schools who have children with SEND and may need extra support in school to enable them to thrive in all aspects of school life.  I am always child focused and committed to get the best outcomes for the children, and I am not afraid to hold senior leaders to account if I needed to. I am passionate about supporting children and families, and I will bring my skills to our Malvern community and continue to enrich the education of our children.

Mrs Claire Bland
Term of office – 9.6.23 – 8.6.27

My three children attend Malvern and thoroughly enjoy their time at school. I am also a former pupil and have fond memories of my years at primary school. 

My career has been largely based around developing and managing advice services to assist those in financial crisis. This includes working at a national housing association where I managed a team focused on providing tenants with much needed Employment and Training, Fuel Poverty and Welfare Benefits Advice. 

Currently, I am a Strategic Development Manager for the Trussell Trust, a national charity who work to end the need for food banks in the UK. I have experience of driving operational and strategic collaboration and improvements to achieve results and maximise impact. 

Skills from my above roles, along with my secure knowledge of the local Malvern community, assist me in being able to work with school leaders for improvement at school, challenging effectively when needed, and providing support with strategic development of key priorities that will benefit our children. 

I have a passion for playing my small part in creating a society that is compassionate and just with fair access to opportunity and progression for all. My role as a Governor enables me to do this with our local children. 

Ms E Cieslar
18.5.21 – 17.5.25

I have been a parent governor at Malvern since 2021. Alongside being a governor, I am also a primary school teacher, and have been teaching for 12 years. My experience of teaching primary school children, I feel, gives me a huge insight into how we, as Governors, can support and strengthen Malvern.

I am a former pupil of Malvern and a mum to three young children, one of which attends school currently.

I am passionate about Education and feel that I am well placed on the Curriculum Committee currently. I feel as though, with my skills, I can fully support school and participate in the governance at Malvern successfully.

Ms Alexandra Palmer
Parent Governor
12.10.23 to 11.10.27

I am a mum to 4 children, 3 of whom are currently attending Malvern Primary School.

I have worked as a primary school teacher for the last 16 years. I currently work at St Pauls Catholic Junior School, where I am English Lead, with a focus on Reading and Phonics. I am Year 3 Year Group Leader, leading a team of 8 people to ensure the best outcomes for the 125 children in my year group. I have taken part in many OFSTED inspections, leading a Reading Deep Dive in our most recent inspection. My understanding of the OFSTED framework would help Malvern Primary in any upcoming inspections.

I have completed a senior leader qualification, learning more about the finance and governance within a school, which would further aid me to support Malvern Primary.

Cllr Graham Morgan
Term of office – 22.5.23 – 21.5.27

I feel very privileged to be a Governor at Malvern and to have been involved with this wonderful school for many years. My own children attended Malvern Primary and as a father and grandfather I understand the impact that a school and its community can have on children and their families. I am passionate about education and committed to offering whatever support I can to the school, its Leadership, teachers, staff and students.

I have taken on a variety of Governor roles at different schools over the last 30 years. So, I hope I bring some insight and experience along with a genuine willingness to do whatever I can contribute positively to the school and to the experience of the young people who attend it.

I have lived in Huyton all my life. I previously worked for Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service, have been a local Councillor for many years and am very proud to have been the Leader of Knowsley Council since 2018.

Head Teacher 

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