Key Stage 1
Year 1 and Year 2 children in art club have recently learnt about pointillism. They enjoyed painting dots of colour using cotton buds. The children used the primary colours and some of the secondary colours to create their artwork.
Children in Year 1 enjoyed learning about the artist Piet Mondrian. They learnt about primary colours, different kinds of lines and organic and geometric shapes. The children also learnt how to create tints and were able to identify varying hues of the primary colours.
Children in Year 1 enjoyed learning about sculpture. They created their own fossils out of clay that were textured. The children also enjoyed learning about different animal prints and were able to replicate the animal prints using different types of line. In addition, the children enjoyed creating different patterns using wax relief, aquarelle pencils and watercolour paints.
Year 2 children enjoyed their ‘Marvellous Mixtures’ learning expedition. The children investigated the different shapes, lines and patterns that could be created by pouring, squirting, brushing, blowing and rolling paint.
Year 2 children enjoyed their ‘Marvellous Mixtures’ learning expedition and creating their own piece of abstract art work.
Year 2 enjoyed learning all about the visual elements of art. They completed an in-depth study on the visual element of colour and created a mind map to show their knowledge.