The Broken Leg of Doom


Our Thursday Book Club children have chosen ‘The Broken Leg of Doom’ by Pamela Butchart as their book for this half term.  Children gathered in the school library to get stuck into their brand-new book.  They had a gab while eating their lunches and then took turns to read aloud.  At the end of the meeting, children talked about what they’re currently reading and made recommendations.

Book Club members received a message from Pamela Butchart:

Thank you SO MUCH for choosing THE BROKEN LEG OF DOOM!

I really hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! 

I LOVE the idea that things can be CURSED. Like, imagine your cat or pencil and big toe were cursed?!

And I always wanted a big CAST on my leg (but I didn’t want a broken leg, just a pretend one I suppose). 

So I put those two things together and came up with idea that a HUMAN LEG attached to an ACTUAL HUMAN could be cursed.

And there you go.


Love and pugs

Pamela x x x