Book Review: Virginia Wolf
‘Virginia Wolf’ by Kyo Maclear and Isabelle Arsenault
Reviewed by Charlotte, Imogen & Lucy
‘One day there was a little girl who woke up and felt like a wolf. She was making people scared of her. Her sister tried to make her happy by talking to her and painting a dream land. Then the wolf turned back into a girl – and was happy again.’
‘We liked the illustrations in this book. To begin with, they were mostly dull – and then became bright and colourful. Some pages were just pictures, with only a little bit of writing. We liked lots about this story – particularly how the girl’s sister made her feel better by painting her a dream land (Bloomsbury). We really liked pages 21 and 22. We thought it was clever the way the book showed the thoughts of the wolf.’
‘We think this book would be suitable for age 6+. It is a very clever story and has lots of amazing pictures.
We would give it ten out of ten.’