Miss Fraser, Mrs Green, Miss Joughin, Mrs Reid, Miss Stephens and Mrs Gaughan
School opens at 8.45am and the doors stay open until 8.55am. Please bring your children to the Reception gate and not to the office.
We send reading materials home daily. Please read with your child at least four times a week. Use the green planner to record when you read (just a signature will do). Your child will then have the opportunity to become READER OF THE WEEK. Children must bring their planners in to school every day so that teachers have got access to it.
Children develop their phonological knowledge through Read, Write, Inc. We will hold meetings throughout the year to support you and your child in their home learning. There is a very useful parents’ section that you could have a look at, to further support your child at home. . It also shows you how to pronounce sounds correctly.
If you would like to speak to one of us, we are always available each morning and evening. Alternatively, if you write a message in your child’s planner, we’ll contact you the same day.
Home Learning
Home Learning will be sent home via Tapestry. This will usually be a task to consolidate learning that has happened in school. Please take a photo or a video and upload it to Tapestry as we love to see how you all get on at home.
Reception have a PE session on Wednesday and Karate on Friday. Children will need to wear their PE kit for both sessions. In the winter, this is black joggers with black jumper or hoody, white school T shirt and black trainers. In the summer, green shorts, white school T shirt and black trainers.
Outdoor Learning
In reception we learn through play and believe that outdoors should be as much a part of a child’s learning environment as the indoor environment. When children explore the outdoors they learn from first-hand experiences, they will challenge themselves, become successful learners and develop into healthy, confident children. We go outside in all weathers so children will need a pair of named wellington boots to be kept in reception and an outdoor coat to be brought in daily. We will provide wet suits.
Learning Expedition: Spring 2
Vocabulary: Spring 2
By the end of Reception, children will: –
- Confidently count objects to twenty and understand the last one represents ‘how many.’
- Subitise small amounts that appear in irregular patterns and confidently subitise amounts on a ten frame to ten.
- Know that five is made up of at least two amounts.
- Know that ten is made up of at least two amounts.
- Route count 0-20 and say which number is one more or less than a given number.
- Use quantities and objects to add and subtract two amounts.
- Solve problems involving doubling, halving and sharing.
- Use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position and time.
- Recognise, create and describe number and shape patterns.
- Explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.
- Enjoy being a mathematician.
By the end of Reception, children will : –
- Know all the set 1 sounds including special friends: sh, ch, th, nk, qu, ng, ss, ll, ff and zz.
- Fred talk green words 1.1 -1.7
- Read and understand simple sentences.
- Through a range of media retell a range of well-known stories.
- Read some common irregular words.
- Demonstrate understanding when talking to others about what they have read.
- Enjoy reading.
By the end of Reception, children will: –
- Confidently form pre cursive letters
- Use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways that match their spoken sounds.
- Write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others.
- Enjoy writing
Useful apps for iPads/tablets:
- Hairy Letters
- Pocketphonic
- Phonics
- Forest Phonics
- Color Pencil
- Finger Paint
- PaintSparkle (Good for practicing letter formation)
- Mathletics
- MonkeyMath
- Reading Eggs