The 1000 Year Old Boy

Book Club children have chosen ‘The 1000 Year Old Boy’ by Ross Welford as their book for the spring term.

Book Club meets every Thursday lunch time.  The children eat their lunches while chatting to friends – and then read some of the chosen book, make recommendations and talk about books.  At Book Club in the autumn and spring terms, the children enjoy hot chocolate and biscuits – and in the summer term, it’s lolly ices!

A Message from Ross Welford

Dear Malvern Primary School Book Club members
I’m thrilled that you have chosen The 1,000 Year Old Boy as your book for the spring term, and I truly hope you enjoy the adventures of Aidan, Roxy and Alfie.
I grew up more or less exactly where the story takes place, in Whitley Bay, and so the setting feels very real to me.  Some of the characters (Roxy Minto, for example) are based on people I know: even Biffa the cat really existed!  (I have never encountered anyone who is a thousand years old, though…)
Good luck with your Book Club and keep reading!
With best wishes – Ross Welford

Some of the Book Club children after reading the first few chapters of Ross Welford’s ‘The 1000 Year Old Boy’.