The Land of Roar
Book Club children have chosen ‘The Land of Roar’ by Jenny McLachlan as their book for the spring term.
Book Club children received a message from Jenny McLachlan. Here’s what she said:
‘Hello, I’m absolutely thrilled that you have chosen to read The Land of Roar this term! I wrote the book because I can remember so clearly being your age: what I loved and what I feared; what I dreamed of happening to me and all the things I worried about. What happens to Arthur and Rose in Roar is what I would have loved to happen to me; in a way, my wish has come true because now I get to visit fantasy worlds every day when I write. I hope the book inspires you to create something special of your own, maybe a map of your own world, or drawings of the amazing things you might find there. When you let your imagination run wild amazing things can happen, so turn the page and begin your journey to The Land of Roar!’